Grand Yeoman of York Officers

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Photo of Michael C Anderson Michael C Anderson Grand Director General

Born on a Naval Base in Oklahoma during latter part of WWII. “Go Sooners!”

Eventually moved to father’s home state of Minnesota.

First job in high school at family’s small state bank.

Being an above average athlete, received scholarship to play ice hockey in college. BA from University of MN.

Law diploma from LaSalle University Extension. …

Photo of Bruce J. Frazer Bruce J. Frazer Deputy Director General

Bruce Frazer was raised a Master Mason by Millersville Lodge, #126, on 22 November 2003. He quickly became a line officer, and was eventually installed as worshipful master for the year 2009.

He became a member of both the York Rite and the Scottish Rite in 2005, but did not become active in those organizations until he had completed his obligations to the blue lodge officer line in 2010.…

Photo of Phil Whisner Phil Whisner Grand Secretary- Treasurer

Phillip (Phil) Whisner is an Indianapolis native, where he attended both high school and college.  He retired from Allison Transmission where he was a journeyman tinsmith.  He is married, with three grown children and five grandchildren.  He enjoys attending various activities with the grandkids, attending Colts games with his wife, and golfing whenever he gets the chance. …

Photo of Lloyd E Atterson Sr. Lloyd E Atterson , Sr. Grand Adjutant

Born November 5, 1946 in Terre Haute, Indiana. Enlisted in the United States Army November 6, 1963 and after 26 years retired as a Senior Non-Commissioned Officer. Has received many citations and commendations for his ability to lead others. His assignments have taken him to three tours in Germany, Viet Nam and many Army Post in the United States.…

Photo of David W Miller David W Miller Grand Master of Ceremonies
Photo of Gary C. Steinhardt Gary C. Steinhardt Grand Chaplain

Born Lansing Michigan, 1944
Graduate of Michigan State University BS and MS in Agriculture
Graduate Purdue University PhD in Agronomy
Colonel US Army Reserve (retired) with service in Vietnam and mobilized but not deployed Desert Shield/Storm
Professor of Agronomy Purdue University

Photo of Paul W Friend Paul W Friend Grand Recorder


Born June 14, 1943, the eighth child of Arthur and Berniece Friend on a farm in Auburn, IN. Graduated as Valedictorian from Riverdale High School (St. Joe, IN) in 1961. Continued schooling at Purdue University with a BS in Agriculture Education and MS in Extension Education. Married Inger Gardin in 1967 and have 2 sons and 1 daughter – now with 7 grandchildren.…